The decline in population in developed countries, caused by modernization, has become prevalent in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan.
As economic development further widens the income gap,
people’s perspectives on worshipping their ancestors have changed.
This is also changing demand from conventional family-based graves to individual graves.
Many Japanese temples nationwide are struggling financially with declining income due to the decrease in family-based graves and increases in tombs where no relatives come to pay their respects.
We propose a business concept to solve financial problems
Studying the current plight of
temples and possibilities of
effectively using temple compounds
By implementing this concept, temples can aim for stable
management by building facilities necessary for promoting
religious activities through memorial services – which
are the mainstay business of temples – which will help
maintain temples in the long term. This service can help
the entire process from proposing business plans,
raising funds, getting various permits approved, and monitoring architecture, and design of buildings. Specific examples in major Japanese cities include fixed-style cineraria and automated-delivery-style cineraria, which are more comprehensively rational and mainstream.
One-stop worshipping enabled by
constructing buildings adjacent to cineraria within temple compounds
Our company has already constructed a building adjacent to a cinerarium
that holds 7,000 to 11,500 urns within our temple compound where
worshippers can have a one-stop memorial service.
The temple is already seeking users of this new service as part of our
public enterprise business.
Cineraria in South Korea
In South Korea, where Confucianism-based interment has long been the tradition, the graves of ancestors are concentrated on hills, creating a unique view. But as residents move from city centers to suburbs and expanding cities, demand for land has grown. Amidst such a backdrop, many existing cemeteries on hilltops are now being asked to relocate or even remove graves. In addition, stronger environmental concerns have led to government authorities moving toward banning interment and promoting cremation and scattering of ashes to reduce the number of trees being cut down on national land to make room for a potential increase in cemeteries.
The plight of South Korean cineraria
Like Japan, South Korea is also seeing a higher demand for cineraria due to a lack of land aggravated by population density, a rapidly aging society and declining birth rate as well as the widening income gap triggered by economic development. Amidst this situation, cineraria are being built in the suburbs of Seoul, but many of them consist of fixed-style locker types or wall-mounted units. Compared to Japanese cineraria styles, these South Korean models are more than ten years behind. These models lack affinity and do not allow worshippers to relax as they worship their ancestors because the low or high location of fixed units make it difficult for visitors to position their bodies. These models also have storage inefficiency and safety concerns.
Ideal future of cineraria
Automated Storage area
To solve the problem of growing demand for graves in Japanese cities, especially in extremely densely populated areas such as Tokyo, automated-delivery-style cineraria have become the mainstream solution. Automated-delivery-style cineraria allow the storage of numerous urns within limited floor space and enable the three-dimensional use of space. Worshippers can use IT cards to individually visit their respective booths and pay their respects to their loved ones in a relaxed environment where they are cordoned off from other families. Such factors have made automated-delivery-style cineraria popular in Japan. Costs are also lower than traditional cemeteries, and there is no need for maintenance or management of tombstones. In addition, moving ashes and urns into automated-delivery-styles cineraria has enabled existing cemeteries on hilltops to save 60% of land, which helps drastically reduce land allotted for burial grounds and leads to solving environmental problems. If anyone or any entity in or outside of Seoul would like to consider this option, please feel free to contact us.
If you are currently engaged in the planning of any temple or cineraria, please do not hesitate to contact us.